Tech Stack Order Management System Part 3: A miracle System operation The way an order is made in a restaurant Imagine you are a customer coming to a 5-star luxury restaurant to enjoy a beautiful evening. The waiter will pick you up from the door, taking you to the free table. Once settled,
Tech Stack Order Management System Part 2: A tour in system design System architecture overview System architecture has always been one of the most challenging problems for Software Engineers. Design patterns are numerous, but choosing one to apply in our project is really a problematic move, one of the game-changing points. Hence, we must balance our
Tech Stack Order Management System Part 1: Business story Everything Has A Story, OMS has, too A typical day, as usual, you step into a familiar store. After taking a look around, you immediately go to the drink shelves. Well, let's see, if buying a can of Cocacola with a cute little sandwich
Front-End Development Extracting common logic in FM webapp: a case study of React HOCs, render props, and hooks HOC, render props, and hooks are all useful React patterns that will help refactor a code base, making logic in your apps more reusable.